
Term Acronym Definition
Attitude Determination and Control System ADCS A system that uses sensors and actuators to determine and control the orientation of a vehicle, such as a spacecraft. ADCS is essential when the orientation of a vehicle is important for its mission, such as for observation or communications.
Automatic Packet Reporting System APRS The Automatic Packet Reporting System or APRS for short is an amateur radio-based system for real-time digital communications of information.
BIRDS   The BIRDS project is the Joint Global Multi-Nations Satellite project. It ws created by the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) to help countries build their satellites.
Bus   A satellite bus is the main body and structural component of a satellite, in which the payload and all scientific instruments are held
Critical Design Review CDR A Critical Design Review (CDR) is a technical review of a satellite’s final design. It is done to ensure it meets the specified requirements before production and testing commence.
CubeSat   A CubeSat is a nanosatellite. A 1U CubeSat has a form factor of 10cm cubes, a 2U CubeSat has a form factor of 20cm cubes and so on. CubeSats are useful as they provide a cost-effective platform for science investigations and new tevhnology development
Digipeater   A digipeater is a device that receives signals from other stations and then rebroadcasts them.
Kibo Module   The Kibo module or the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), is a Japanese science module for the International Space Station (ISS). It was developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Mission Definition Review MDR Mission Definition Review or MDR involves assessing the primary objectives and feasibility of the satellite. It is done by evaluating the mission’s definition, system design, and other important aspects
Systems Tool Kit STK Systems Tool Kit (STK) is a modeling software used by engineers and scientists to analyze and simulate real-world problems, related to satellites, spacecraft, and aircraft
Gaussian Minimum Shift keying GMSK The GMSK is a modulation technique used in satellite communications systems. It carries just 1 bit per symbol.
QSL Card The term “QSL” comes from the international Q code and means “I confirm receipt of your transmission”. A QSL card is a written confirmation of radiocommunication involving a one-way reception of a signal (from an AM radio, FM radio or television), between two amateur radios, or the reception of a two-way radiocommunication by a third-party listener
Two-Line Element TLE A Two-Line Element (TLE) is a standardised format used to describe the orbit of a satellite
PNST Post-graduate study on Nano-Satellite Technologies. More information can be found here
DLP feasibility    
Satellite Beacon   A satellite beacon is a distinct and identifiable signal transmitted by a satellite to indicate its presence or provide essential tracking information.
On-Board Computer OBC An On-Board Computer (OBC) is a satellite’s central processing unit that runs the satellite’s software and controls its vital functions. It is the brain of the satellite.
Electrical Power System EPS An electrical power system (EPS) is a satellite subsystem that manages the satellie and supplies other systems in the satellite with the necessary electrical power to operate effectively. The EPS is a critical component especially in small satelites including CubeSats
Preliminary Design Review PDR  
Flight Model Testing FMT Flight Model testing ivolves subjecting the satellite, known as Flight Model to undergo several rogorous tests. It is done to verify that the satellite’s design and construction meet all the functional and environmental requirements for flight.
Command and Data Handling System CDHS This is another name for the OBC based on the tasks the system performs.
Engineering Model EM An engineering model (EM) of a satellite is a model that is built to verify the electrical functionality and interfaces of a spacecraft before the flight model is built. It is representative of the flight model in terms of form, fit, and function, but it doesn’t have the same level of redundancy as the flight model. An EM can be built at a fraction of the cost of a flight model because it doesn’t need to undergo the same lengthy and expensive environmental tests.Once the design passes the PDR, the EM is built.
Flight Model FM A satellite’s flight model (FM) is the final version of the satellite that is built to be deployed into space. It is the result of a series of testing, validation, and refinement processes that begin with the engineering model (EM) and qualification model (QM). Once the design passes the CDR, the FM is built. The FM is built to the highest standards of precision and reliability. However, testing it to the limits may cause micro-cracks in the structure, so it is not tested as rigorously as the QM.
Structural and Thermal Model STM The Structural and Thermal Model (STM) of a satellite is a model built during the development phase of a spacecraft that is used to test the satellite’s subsystems and ensure they are compatible with the launcher and ground systems. The STM is built alongside the Engineering Model (EM) during Phase C of the development process. Both models are subjected to rigorous tests to replicate the conditions of launch.