Writing the Board-Specific Software File


This guide explains how to write the board-specific software file for the subsystem board. This involves modifying key parameters and configurations to match the hardware setup.

Before you start

Before writing the board-specific software file, ensure:

  • You have the necessary software development tools installed (e.g., MPLAB X, XC8 compiler).
  • You have access to the firmware repository.
  • You understand the board’s hardware specifications and required configurations.

Modifying the Board-Specific Software File

  1. Locate the Board-Specific File

    Navigate to the firmware repository and open the file corresponding to your board (e.g., board_config.h).

  2. Update the Microcontroller Settings

    Modify the following parameters to match your board’s specifications:

     #define CPU_FREQUENCY 32000000  // Set the correct clock frequency
     #define UART_BAUDRATE 9600       // Set the UART communication speed
  3. Configure the I/O Pins

    Adjust the pin configurations based on your hardware connections:

     #define LED_PIN TRISBbits.TRISB0  // Set LED pin as output
     #define BUTTON_PIN TRISBbits.TRISB1  // Set Button pin as input
  4. Define Communication Protocols

    If using SPI, I2C, or UART, configure the relevant registers:

     void initUART() {
         TXSTAbits.BRGH = 1;  // High-speed mode
         BAUDCONbits.BRG16 = 1;
         SPBRGH = 0x00;
         SPBRG = 207;  // Baud rate setting

Updating Other Files

Some additional files may require changes to ensure proper integration:

  1. Modify main.c

    Ensure the initialization functions for peripherals and board-specific settings are included:

     void main() {
         while (1) {
             // Main program loop
  2. Update Makefile or Build Configurations

    If using a custom linker script or additional libraries, ensure they are properly linked in your project settings.

See also

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